Family Planning/Reproductive Health services are available to women and men who seek confidential family planning and related services. Services include FDA-approved birth control methods, screening and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy testing and options counseling, Pap smears and HIV testing.
We offer a prenatal package consisting of office visits, routine laboratory tests and one sonogram. Delivery is coordinated with community based obstetricians. Delivery and hospital charges are the responsibility of the patient.
Patients under 100% of the Federal Poverty level are asked for a donation; those above 100% are charged according to a sliding fee schedule.
Reproductive Health Services
Services offered include:
Initial and annual gynecological examinations;
Family planning services (see below);
Prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases;
Screening for breast and cervical cancer and HIV testing and counseling;
Minor in-office procedures such as endometrial biopsy
Outpatient gynecological surgical procedures such as tubal ligation.
We offer the following family planning methods for patients who have no insurance or who are underinsured, including supplies and medications: